Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Birthca 1811, Staffs
Death1849, Wolstanton district, Staffs
Notes for George Platt
There are a few baptisms from 1793 to 1813 in Staffordshire:

29 Mar 1800: George Platt, son of Samuel & Jane, born Dec 3d 1800.  Darlaston St Lawrence, Staffs.

10 Nov 1799: George Platt, son of Thomas & Elizabeth, born 26 Oct.  Audley, St James the Great, Staffs.

15 Oct 1809: George Platt, son of George & Sarah, born 21 Sep. Audley, St James the Great, Staffs.

I have no idea which, if any, might be his.

There are a couple of baptisms for children of George and Louisa on FindMyPast:

Last   First      Year  Record set                                Location

Platt  Mary       1830  E & W Non-Conformist Births And Baptisms  Stoke upon Trent, Staffs
Platt  Sarah Ann  1838  Staffordshire Baptisms                    Stoke on Trent,
                                                                  St Peter Ad Vincula, Staffs

“E & W” = England & Wales

In 1841 the family was at Northwood, Stoke upon Trent, Staffordshire and they had two sons in addition to the above two baptised girls:

First name(s)  Last name  Sex  Age  Birth year  Birth place
George   Platt  M  30  1811    Staffordshire
Louisa   Platt  F  30  1811    Staffordshire
Mary     Platt  F  13  1828    Staffordshire
George   Platt  M   6  1835    Staffordshire
Sarah    Platt  F   4  1837    Staffordshire
Herbert  Platt  M   0  1841    Staffordshire

Archive reference  HO107
Piece number       990
Book number        7
Folio number       17
Page number        27
Combined:          1941 ref: HO107, piece 990, book 7, folio 17, p. 27

In 1851 George had died and his wife had all her children plus Mary’s husband and their children living with her.  The apparently youngest child was 4 in 1951 so George was still alive in c.1846.  But there had been a later birth shown in the GRO index for Q2 of 1949, so George must have survived until the end of 1848.  The 1851 census is in detail in George Rowe’s Misc Notes.

FreeBMD and FindMyPast both show two George Platt deaths, without ages, in Wolstanton district and both in 1849.  This is the district the family were in in 1851.  The GRO index site says one was 41 and the other 43 and both of these tie in with the age latitude given for the 1841 census.  We have no better information unless I order the death certificate.

The GRO deaths for George Platt were, with an earlier one:

Name:                   Age at Death (in years):  
PLATT, GEORGE     63  
GRO Reference: 1843  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 207
PLATT, GEORGE     41  
GRO Reference: 1849  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 222
PLATT, GEORGE     43  
GRO Reference: 1849  D Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 215

I need to find which George Platts were around Burslem in the 1841 census near Burslem.
There were three such George Platts:

One was born c. 1808 and had a wife Mary with children William, Eliza, Mary and John in Wolstanton.
The second was b. c. 1811, had a wife Eliza and children Mary, Eliza and Emma in Burslem.
The third was b. c. 1811, had a wife Louisa and children Mary, George, Sarah and Herbert in Stoke on Trent.

Families with a husband of George Platt in the 1841 census, born from 1805 to 1825 and within a few miles of Burslem

George    Spouse                                                       Spouse in 1851
Birth  Name   Birth  Children                   Location          Husband?       Location          Children

1808  Mary    1807  William, Eliza, Mary, John    Wolstanton      Fully alive   Wolstanton  Wm, Elz, Jhn, Ann, Ench, Isk
1811  Louisa  1811  Mary, George, Sarah, Herbert  Stoke on Trent  No, widow     Burslem     Geo, Sar, Mrth, Hart, Mry
1811  Eliza   1811  Mary, Eliza and Emma          Burslem         Not seen      Wolstanton  Mry, Elz, Emm, Hy, Eliz, Han
1821  not married
1822  not married
1822  not married

Their children:

Name             Birth   Bapt   1841   1851   1861   1871   Death   Marriage

Mary Platt       1830    1830     Y    1831     Y    1841   1881    Rowe in 1846
George Platt       N       N    1835   1836   1836
Sarah Ann Platt    N     1838   1837   1838     -                   Blunt in 1863
                                                                 or Mountford in 1869
                                                                 or Larney or Myatt in 1872
Herbert Platt      N       N    1841     -      -     -      1842
Martha Platt     1845                  1845   1845                  Knight in 1868
Harriet Platt                          1847     -            1851

To get a full review of their children, the first question is whether any other marriages of Platt and Bryan had happened in the area.

There were no GRO marriages between Platt and Bryan on GRO from 1837 to 1847,
though in 1844 an Ellen Platt married one of four people, one of whom was Henry Brown.

There was a Faculty marriage licence of John Platt and Sarah Bryan, but no place specified.

There were 238 parish marriages with one Platt between 1820 and 1840 in Staffs.

There was one parish marriage of Platt and Byan between 1820 and 1840 in Staffs, but that is this marriage.

Their children’s GRO records with a Platt surname and mother’s maiden name of Bryan or Byan in Wolstanton district:

Name:                   Mother's Maiden Surname:
GRO Reference: 1843  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 260
GRO Reference: 1845  M Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 279
GRO Reference: 1847  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 284
GRO Reference: 1849  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 319

And GRO deaths that matched any of the above birth information:

Name:                   Age at Death (in years):
PLATT, HERBERT          0
GRO Reference: 1842  M Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 222
PLATT, ABSALOM          0
GRO Reference: 1844  M Quarter in WOLSTANTON AND BURSLEM UNION  Volume 17  Page 223
PLATT, SOPHIA           1
GRO Reference: 1850  S Quarter in WOLSTANTON  Volume 17  Page 188
GRO Reference: 1851  J Quarter in WOLSTANTON  Volume 17  Page 212

Let’s make a summary of all the births and the sources:

   Birth                                                                          Died as child
Yr   Sub-Yr    Name        Source                        Location              Date     Location

1830  30 Apr    Mary        Baptism, non-conformist       Stoke on Trent
1835            George      1841 census                   Staffs
1838  <17 Apr   Sarah Ann   Baptism. prob CoE             Stoke upon Trent    
1841            Herbert     1941 census                   Staffs               1842 Q1   Wolstanton
1843   Q2       Absalom     GRO                           Wolstanton           1844 Q1   Wolstanton
1845   Q1       Martha      GRO                           Wolstanton
1847   Q2       Harriet     GRO                           Wolstanton           1851 Q2   Wolstanton
1849   Q3       Sophia      GRO                           Wolstanton           1850 Q3   Wolstanton
Notes for George & Louisa (Family)
The image of the page of the marriage register, transcribed by me:

“                                     Page 52.
“MARRIAGES solemnized in the parish of Burslem
“  in the County of Stafford in the Year 1829
“. . . .
“ George Platt of this Parish
“ Batchelor & Potter
“ and  Louisa Byan  of this Parish
“  spinster
“ were married in this Church by Banns with Consent of
“        this Twenty Eighth Day of
“ September in the Year On thousand eight hundred and Twenty Nine
“        By me   J Bateman  Curate
“ This Marriage was solemnized between us George Platt’s  X  Mark  Louisa Byan’s  X  Mark
“ In the Presence of Levi Jarvis’  X  Mark   Bagnall Birch
“ No 155.

Unfortunately this early marriage format does not have information for the fathers of each of the couple.
Last Modified 26 Aug 2021Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220