Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Notes for Susannah Whitehouse
Her birth index:

   Name:                      Mother's Maiden Surname:
   GRO Reference: 1869  M Quarter in PENKRIDGE  Volume 06B  Page 451

She was in the 1871 and 1881 censuses: see her mother’s Notes for the details.

Did she then die?  There were no deaths of any Susannah Whitehouse born in 1869 and who was alive in 1881.

She could have been the Susannah of any of these Susannah Whitehouse marriages in from 1881 to 1891:

Year  age  Her name             His Name                            Location
1884  15   Susannah Whitehouse  Simpson Webb                        Dudley
1887  18   Susannah Whitehouse  Henry Handley or Ell Fudge          Dudley
1888  19   Susannah Whitehouse  Philip Hy Thomas or Azariah Jones   Dudley
1890  21   Susann Whitehouse    Philip Geo Collyer / Samuel Taylor
                                   / Samson Blewitt                  (all) Cannock

For all the above, we need to look at the 1891 census to see if those couples have a Susannah who was born in Cheslyn Hay in 1879.

There was one Susannah Whitehouse found in the 1891 census who was born in 1869±2 but she was unmarried and living with her parents who were a totally separate family in Dudley.

There were two Susannah Webbs found in the 1891 census one in West Bromwich and born in Tipton Staffs, unmarried and a domestic servant for a family.  The other was the unmarried daughter of a Webb family.

There were no Susannah Handleys found in Staffs who were born in 1869±2.  Nor any Susannah Fudges.

There was a Susannah Thomas, unmarried found as a servant to a family in Wolverhampton and born in Kidsgrove, Staffs.  The other Susannah Thomas was married to Philip Thomas and they were living at Cheslyn Hay.  Sounds like a Bingo!  They had a daughter Emma E Thomas aged 0.  Ten years later in the 1901 census at her mother Emma’s there was a George William Thomas staying and who was Emma’s grandson.  So I think the odds are very high that Susannah married Philip Thomas and they then lived in Cheslyn Hay.

Checking through the other candidate husbands, Of the Susanna Jones, they were all single women.  The Susannah Collyers were not found, the Susannah Taylors were all single and there were no Susannah Blewitts.

So, highly likely, Susannah Whitehouse married Philip Henry Thomas.

They can be found in the 1891 and 1911 censuses in Cheslyn Hay.  Where they got to in 1901 I do not know.

In 1891 they were at Low Street, Cheslyn Hay, Cannock, Staffordshire:

First name(s)  Last name  Relationship  Marital status  Sex  Age  Birth year  Occupation  Birth place
Philip    Thomas  Head  M  M  22  1869  Edge tool maker  Cheslyn Hay, Staffordshire
Susannah  Thomas  Wife  M  F  21  1870  -                Cheslyn Hay, Staffordshire
Emma E    Thomas  Daur  -  F   0  1891  -                Cheslyn Hay, Staffordshire

Archive reference  RG12
Piece number       2221
Folio              128
Page               34
Schedule           198
Combined:          1891 ref: RG12, piece 2221, folio 128, p. 198

In 1911 they were at 6 Low Street Cheslyn Hay Near Walsall Staffordshire with seven children still living with them plus what looks like her brother John; it was reported for Susannah that they had been married for 28 years, she had had 11 children of whom 3 had died - so one more than the seven here had survived:

Birth      First                          Marital                        Last
year  Age  name(s)        Birth place      status  Occupation     Rel    name      Sex

1868  43  Philip          Cheslyn Hay Staffs  M  Edge tool maker  Head  Thomas      M
1870  41  Susannah        Cheslyn Hay Staffs  M  -                Wife  Thomas      F
1892  19  Fredrick        Cheslyn Hay Staffs  S  Edge tool maker  Son   Thomas      M
1894  17  George William  Cheslyn Hay Staffs  S  Edge tool maker  Son   Thomas      M
1898  13  Sarah Ann May   Cheslyn Hay Staffs  -  -                Daur  Thomas      F
1903   8  Alfred          Cheslyn Hay Staffs  -  -                Son   Thomas      M
1905   6  Harrold         Cheslyn Hay Staffs  -  -                Son   Thomas      M
1907   4  Alice Eva       Cheslyn Hay Staffs  -  -                Daur  Thomas      F
1910   1  Philip Edward   Cheslyn Hay Staffs  -  -                Son   Thomas      M
1883  28  John            Cheslyn Hay Staffs  S  Miner hewer      Vist  Whitehouse  M

Ref:   1911 ref: RG14PN16960 RG78PN1047 RD368 SD2 ED27 SN72

In 1939 they were at 6 Low Street, Cheslyn Hay, Cannock R.D., Staffordshire:

First name(s)  Last name(s)  DOB  Sex  Occupation  Marital status  Schedule  Schedule Sub Number  
Philip H   Thomas  17 Oct 1868  Male    Edge Tool Maker Heavy Worker  Married  52  1
Susannah   Thomas  04 Feb 1868  Female  Unpaid Household Duties       Married  52  2
Philip E   Thomas  04 Mar 1910  Male    Edge Tool Maker Heavy Worker  Single   52  3

Ref:     1939 ref: Ref: RG101/5452A/006/42

Her death index:

First name(s)  Susannah
Last name      Thomas
Gender         Female
Birth year     1870
Age            76
Death quarter  1
Death year     1946
District       Cannock
County         Staffordshire
Volume         6B
Page           551
Country        England
Record set     England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007
Notes for Philip Henry & Susannah (Family)
Their marriage index:

First name(s)     Susannah
Last name         Whitehouse
Marriage quarter  4
Marriage year     1888
MarriageFinder    Susannah Whitehouse married one of these people
                  Philip Henry Thomas, Azariah Jones
District          Dudley
County            Staffordshire
Country           England
Volume            6C
Page number       129
Record set        England & Wales Marriages 1837-2005
Last Modified 14 Jul 2021Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220