Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Birth1950, St Andrew Edinburgh district, Midlothian
Generalonly dau. No marriage found.
MotherElizabeth Joan Adderley (ca1919-2015)
Notes for Rosamund Elizabeth Campbell
Her birth index:

Surname   Forename         Gender  Year  Ref        RD Name
CAMPBELL  ROSAMUND ELIZAB    F     1950  685/2 585  St Andrew (Edinburgh)

Burke reports “Rosamund Elizabeth; b 11 May 1950; educ Withington Girls’ Sch
and LMH Oxford (MA)”

I cannot identify any marriage or death for her.  She could easily still be alive.

There is a Rosamund E Campbell on the electoral rolls from 2002 to 2016 in Stockport, Cheshire and with a bunch of other Campbells.  This could be a lady who had married a Campbell, of course.

There is a Rosamund E Campbell marriage in 1965 but she would only have been 15 so it does not sound like her.
Last Modified 8 Dec 2021Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220