Sadly Ian died earlier this year, 2023, but for me he has left behing a fine legacy, his Y-DNA. I had known him
for many years and we had exchanged information about our respective families and he showed no hesitation in
joining this more startling investigation, startling because it can categorically uncover any 'NPE's, Non
Paternal Events as they are respectfully called.
It took time and even I had some misgivings about what might emerge on my ancestry. But, and this is the advantage of this more colex test of 'SNP', Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, values: SNPSs identified and coded as a single feature of our Y-DNA which is passed on from father to son. Both of us had exactly the same SNP is spite of the fact that we were, being half seventh cousins, barely biologically related at all. This meant thaat none of the seventeen grandmothers had played away: if they had, our Y-DNA would not have been the same. Subsequently I have put together a series of papers from Ian and his familly and here they are, a series of PDF files of the various papers, some of which need to be printed on larger, A3, paper: (note that file No 6 is 24 MegaBytes and may take a while to download.) |