Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Notes for Harry Leonard Sharp
His birth index:

Name:                   Mother's Maiden Surname:
GRO Reference: 1888  J Quarter in LEEDS  Volume 09B  Page 423

In 1911 they had been married for a year and were at 15 Station Terrace Bramley, Yorkshire (West Riding):

First name(s)  Last name  Relationship  Marital status  Sex  Age  Birth year  Occupation  Birth place
Harry L  Sharp  Head  M  M  22  1889  Stock room assistant  Leeds Yorkshire
Lily     Sharp  Wife  M  F  23  1888  Cap passer            Leeds Yorkshire

1911 ref: RG14 PN26861 RG78 PN1543 RD499 SD1 ED5 SN482

In 1939 there were no children and they were at 20 Cross Street, Blackpool, Lancashire:

First name(s)  Last name(s)  DOB  Sex  Occupation  Marital status  Schedule  Schedule Sub Number  
Harry L  Sharp  16 May 1888  M  Warehouseman (Clothing)  M  208  1
Lily     Sharp  10 Dec 1888  F  Counter Hand (Tea Bar)   M  208  2

1939 Ref: RG101/4240D/021/8

I tried a query to find the Sharp children with a Robinson mother but this produced 80 children, indicating that there were quite a few Sharp-Robinson couples.

Possible death index:

First name(s)  Harry L
Last name      Sharp
Gender         Male
Birth year     1889
Age            72
Death quarter  2
Death year     1961
District       Fylde
County         Lancashire
Volume         10C
Page           257
Country        England
Record set     England & Wales Deaths 1837-2007

But there is nothing to confirm this and while this is indeed the only Harry L Sharp death, there are 92 deaths in the UK of Harry Sharps between 1939, when he was living, and 1979.
Notes for Harry Leonard & Lily (Family)
Their marriage index:

First name(s)     Harry Leonard
Last name         Sharp
Marriage quarter  2
Marriage year     1910
MarriageFinder    Harry Leonard Sharp married one of these people
                  Lucy Lister, Lily Robinson
District          Leeds
County            Yorkshire
Country           England
Volume            9B
Page number       557
Record set        England & Wales Marriages 1837-2005
Last Modified 16 Aug 2021Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220