Berkeley Genealogy
of 1628
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To get stuck in, just click on the "Home Card" above; it will lead you quickly back through time.

Or if you have a name to follow up, click on Index or Surnames. You may find it easier if you choose Surnames.

The genealogy is in two displays; from the surname you first get to the family display. Once there, click on the central names and you'll get to the full details display for that person.
You'll have to click on your Back button to get back to the family display, though.

Click on Sources to see the file of References, then save it to your machine.
It's around 5k and it may be quicker to look it up locally on your machine rather than downloading it for every reference. Or even, if you want to follow up the sources, you may find it best to print it out. Note that the sources primarily give the page number in Smyth's volumes but include any other reference material that I have found to date.

Tim Powys-Lybbe
19th February 2007

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